Oscar Olivera is the leader of the Federation of Factory Workers of Cochabamba. He is well-known in Bolivia and internationally for his role as a leader of the Coalition in Defence of Water in the heroic victory of the people of Cochabamba against
[The following abridged letter was read out by Tony Kevin at a rally, organised by the ACT Network Opposing War and Racism, protesting the terror laws on November 28.] Dear Mr Howard, You are reported as saying that the federal government will
Raul Bassi In the lead-up to the election of the centre-left Workers Party (PT) presidential candidate Luis Inacio "Lula" da Silva in 2002, one of the PT's key election promises was to get rid of corruption. Undoubtedly, in a country where
As part of its efforts to whip up an atmosphere of "imminent terrorist attack" in Australia, and thereby ensure public acceptance of its new, anti-democratic "anti-terrorism" laws, the federal government staged a drastic attack on civil rights with
Workers demonstrated outside the German embassy in Kuala Lampur on December 1, calling on the German ambassador to Malaysia to intervene in an industrial dispute at a German-owned factory. The workers also staged a noisy but peaceful protest outside
Jon Lamb & Kathy Newnam, Darwin The likely passing of the federal government's Radioactive Waste Bill has not dampened the fighting spirit of Darwin's No Waste Alliance. Green Left Weekly spoke to four members of the campaign group, Justin Tutty,
Pip Hinman Maureen has worked hard all her life, beginning at age 15 at the giant vegetable cannery Edgells, and later as a nurse. It's only been in her middle age that Maureen has been able to tackle her tertiary preparation certificate at TAFE,
Jo Obronschka, Sydney More than 300 people attended a meeting organised by the Marrickville Transport Action Group (MTAG) on November 26 to discuss the Labor state government's plans for motorways, road construction and traffic increases in the
On December 2, KFC workers in Balmoral went on strike in opposition to lower wage rates for young workers. The strike was organised by the Unite union, and more than 150 strikers and supporters protested at the store. Representatives from other KFC
Tony Iltis Human rights lawyer Julian Burnside, who acted for the Tampa refugees in 2001, believes the federal Coalition government's "anti-terror" laws will "seriously undermine basic civil freedoms that have been recognised for at least three
Nick Fredman The execution by hanging in Singapore of convicted Australian heroin trafficker Nguyen Tuong Van on December 2 caused revulsion among people around the world — including among Singaporeans fighting for democratic rights and for the
Sarah Stephen Given the significant number of people wrongfully detained under the migration act, the potential for innocent people to be wrongfully detained under the preventative detention orders in the new terror laws is frightening. So-called