Sarah Stephen On May 11, the House of Representatives' last autumn sitting day, PM John Howard's government tabled the Migration Amendment (Designated Unauthorised Arrivals) Bill 2006 - legislation that will extend the 2001 "Pacific solution" to
The Cuban medical brigade sent to Pakistan in the wake of last October's massive earthquake is ending its mission after it attended to around 1.7 million patients. The earthquake struck the north of the country, killing more than 73,000 people and
Michael Karadjis A wide-ranging public discussion in the lead up to the 10th congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) — held in Hanoi on April 18-25 and attended by 1176 delegates — focused on issues of corruption, calls for greater
MELBOURNE — Residents of the western suburb of Broadmeadows are celebrating a small victory after the Howard government announced in its 2006 budget that it had decided to scrap the construction of a $120 million, 500-bed immigration detention
PERTH — Federal workplace relations minister Kevin Andrews received a rowdy reception when he arrived at a business luncheon in the outer suburb of Middle Swan on May 16. He was greeted by 100 angry workers chanting, "Work Choices, no choice —
Jon Lamb Heightened tensions within East Timor and rumours of further violent clashes have subsided with the passing of the Fretilin congress, held in Dili on May 17-19. The congress was a test of support for Fretilin leader and East Timor's Prime
Thousands of teachers across Papua New Guinea launched a nationwide strike on May 10 to demand a 4% pay rise and 7% housing allowance increase. Teachers ignored an Industrial Registrar ruling that the strike was illegal. An agreement was signed by
Peter Boyle Jake, a high school student, has been working a couple of night shifts a week for a well-known fast-food chain since last year. His normal hourly pay rate is $6.85, but he's paid a 10% loading for working after 6pm. But young workers
Trent Hawkins Amid all the media hype about tax cuts and the surplus following the release of the federal budget on May 9, one thing that didn't attract much attention was the budget's impact on higher education. In a nutshell, the 2006 budget is
The following statement was issued by the Democratic Socialist Perspective (DSP) on May 19. In 1999, following the pro-independence vote at the UN-supervised ballot in East Timor, the Indonesian military and its hired militia thugs went on a
GYMPIE — Two successive rallies bringing out a total of 3000 people have been held in the last fortnight in the Mary River Valley to oppose Queensland Labor Premier Peter Beattie's $150 million proposed mega-dam. Up to 1000 residents are expected
Five-hundred AIDS activists marched through central Harare on May 19 to commemorate International AIDS Memorial Day. A street demonstration is a rare event in Zimbabwe and marchers made the most of the opportunity to call for increased access to