To all the other elements of the job description of tutors at tertiary education institutions, PM John Howard would like to add "counter-terrorism expert". Howard's plan to rid the country of anybody who is in any way "suss" now requires academics
Sue Bolton Rob Stary is a leading criminal defence lawyer in Victoria and an outspoken defender of civil liberties. He has defended many victims of the federal and state governments' anti-worker and "anti-terror" laws, including the former
An annual survey of trade union rights violations published on June 7 by the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions found that 115 trade unionists were murdered in 2005 for defending workers' rights, more than 1600 were violently assaulted,
Leaders of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, a collective security organisation formed in 2001 by China, Russia and four former Soviet Central Asian republics (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan) have welcomed Iran's decision to
Doug Lorimer On June 6, PM John Howard announced the appointment of former Telstra CEO Ziggy Switkowski, who is also a board member of the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO), to head a six-member task force to "review"
Associated Press reported on June 7 that in May, the US Air Force carried out 750 air strikes against the Taliban and other insurgent groups in Afghanistan. This information was supplied to AP by General Gary North, the commander of US air operations
Chris Spindler, Melbourne Twenty-five Finlay Engineering workers might have signed away most of their redundancy entitlements when they signed individual contracts (AWAs) the day after their two union shop stewards were sacked on April 4. Under
Rohan Pearce Riots broke out in the Afghan capital of Kabul on May 29 after a US military truck crash. The truck crushed dozens of cars during peak-hour traffic, reported anti-imperialist group Left Radical of Afghanistan. According to LRA, 56
Jim Green Labor's resources spokesperson Martin Ferguson is leading the charge for the ALP to drop its opposition to new uranium mines. This is despite the fact that a recent Newspoll found that 78% of ALP voters, and 53% of Coalition voters,
A USA Today/Gallup poll, conducted on May 22-24, showed the Iraq war remains the top concern for US voters. Respondents were asked "What issue do you think should be the top priority for the president and Congress to deal with?" Forty-two percent
In answer to a question in parliament on June 1 from John Murphy (ALP MP for Lowe) about the total and itemised costs borne by the taxpayer for the state memorial service for the late Kerry Packer, held at the Sydney Opera House on February 17, PM
On June 3, thousands of people from across Israel demonstrated in Tel Aviv against the Israeli government and the international boycott and sanctions against the Hamas-led Palestinian Authority. The rally was held on the 39th anniversary of the Six