Fred Fuentes & Simon Cunich, Sydney According to the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU), Sydney University may become the next battleground in the fight over PM John Howard's new industrial relations laws. The university has signalled its
Graham Matthews, Sydney On August 14, a Parramatta Your Rights at Work (YRW) group was launched at a Town Hall meeting attended by 30 people, including representatives from the Health Services Union, the NSW Teachers Federation, the Australian
Pat Denny On August 9, the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta ruled by 10 to 2 to uphold the convictions of the "Cuban Five" — a group of men jailed on trumped-up espionage charges after infiltrating Florida-based groups linked to terrorist
SYDNEY — The spirit of revolutionary the Venezuelan revolution was brought to the August 12-13 NSW Teachers Federation council meeting by Venezuelan charge d'affaires Nelson Davila. Davila outlined the revolutionary changes that are being
Right Place, Right Time, Live at Tipitina's, Mardi Gras '89Dr JohnAvailable from Hyena Records <http://www.hyenarecords.com> REVIEW BY BILL NEVANS This is a great CD in its own right, but the social and political context it's released
Dale Mills On August 15, a Melbourne Magistrates' Court heard that police investigators had formed the opinion that rogue police officers may have been behind the alleged abduction of a Muslim religious leader. Abdul Nacer Benbrika claimed that a
SYDNEY — On August 17, pro-choice students at Sydney University held a protest rally outside an anti-abortion forum organised by the university's Catholic chaplaincy. The forum was addressed by Terri Herring, the former president of Pro-Life
SYDNEY — 'Sri Lankan army out of the Tamil homeland' and 'Australia must bring the government of Sri Lanka to account' were some of the slogans raised by 120 Tamil Australians and their supporters at a candlelight vigil outside Sydney Town Hall
Russell Pickering, Perth On August 13, 600 people attended a Community and Family Day of Solidarity at the Perth Soccer Club to support the 107 construction workers who have been served with writs for taking strike action in February on the Leighton
Craig Johnston, a former Australian Manufacturing Workers Union Victorian secretary and now a Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union site delegate, addressed the Maritime Union of Australia's Western Australian branch conference, held on
Alex Bainbridge, Sydney On August 15, the Sydney Inner West branch of the Socialist Alliance preselected anti-war activist Pip Hinman as its candidate for the seat of Marrickville in the March 24 NSW election. The alliance will run an in-your-face
In an August 15 media release, Gippsland Trades and Labour Council secretary John Parker described the Gippsland Ports proposal to dredge the McLoughlin Channel as irresponsible. The area is prone to contain acid sulfate soils that can cause habitat