Key NSW public sector workers — firefighters, teachers and nurses — are to negotiate new agreements this year and are fighting a tough campaign for fair wages as they face attacks from an anti-worker state Labor government.
A report released on June 5 by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) calls for massive job cuts and fair hikes to make Sydney train services more “efficient”. The report recommends cuts amounting to $480 million a year, the June 6 Sydney Morning Herald reported.
Mining giant Xstrata has been condemned by environmental campaigners for its failure to release 1999 data quantifying the impacts of mining operations on lead levels in the Mount Isa area.
The Bolivian government nationalised on June 2 the TR-Holdings company, which owns 50% of the stocks of the Transredes company, consolidating the process of nationalising Bolivia’s gas industry begun on May 1, 2006, the Bolivian News Agency (ABI) reported.
The Colombian government appeared on June 3 in Geneva before the Committee on the Application of Standards at the ILO’s annual session of the International Labour Conference.
I cannot say that I ever liked Ehud Olmert. But now I almost feel sorry for him.
Yossi & Jagger — Two young male officers in the Israeli army are deeply in love with each other, but both have different perceptions about their relationship. SBS, Saturday, June 14, 1.20am. Embassy Days: Part 2 — Follows the confrontations in
“The announcement by the Prime Minister of increasing the price of fuel by 78 sen and increasing diesel by RM1 added with the increase in electricity as well lifting the cap on chicken prices tantamounts to a declaration of war against the ordinary people of Malaysia”, S.Arutchelvan, the secretary general of the Malaysian Socialist Party (PSM) declared in a June 5 statement.
Waving the Aboriginal flag at the Aboriginal Tent Embassy 1974

In 1972 at the peak of Aboriginal political militancy in Australia, two Italian brothers, Allessandro and Fabio Cavadini, made a film called Ningla a-Na about the "Aboriginal Embassy" demonstrations in Sydney and Canberra that year.

Hasn’t the Victorian state government noticed that climate change is speeding up alarmingly and that transport is the fastest growing cause of greenhouse emissions in Australia?
On June 2, while announcing the withdrawal of 550 Australian combat troops from Iraq, PM Kevin Rudd told parliament that all the arguments justifying the troop deployment in the first place were lies. This vindicates the anti-war movement’s position since the 2003 invasion.