Gilda Chacon is the Asia, Oceania, Africa and Middle East representative of the Cuban Confederation of Trade Unions (CTC) and an elected delegate of the Peoples Power Municipal Assembly.
Green Left Weeklys Annolies Truman interviewed her during her August 17 – 20 visit to Perth to liaise with WA trade unions.
Approximately 10,000 people rallied at Launceston City Park on August 23 in opposition to Gunns proposed pulp mill.
The Public Prosecutors Office No.5 of the city of Valencia,
Control Tribunal 7 of the city of Valencia, State of Carabobo,
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
When a teacher at Fort Street High School recommended that students read the economist John Maynard Keynes, the school boy Isadore Wyner suggested Karl Marx. Young Issy was reprimanded. This did not stop him from engaging with the world for another eight decades.
PERTH Workers at the AMCOR factory in the suburb of Canningvale protested on August 19 to support their campaign for wage rises and a new enterprise agreement. The plant, which manufactures steel cans, had been assessed as one of the most productive in the world but now faces decline because of management intransigence, workers told Green Left Weekly outside the factory gates.
The Socialist Alliance has condemned NSW Premier Morris Iemmas latest bid to rush through enabling legislation to sell off the states energy retailers and generators.
MELBOURNE Two hundred Tamils gathered outside Victorias parliament building on August 22 to highlight the plight of hundreds of thousands of Tamils displaced by fighting between the Sri Lankan army and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam.
The following is based on the Socialist Alliances campaign leaflet for the September 6 Western Australian election.
PERTH The Cuban people work in the interests of humanity. They do not work only for themselves, but for the wellbeing of the people of the world, Hilda Chacon, Asia-Pacific representative of the Cuban Federation of Workers, told an audience of around 30 at an Australia-Cuba Friendship Society function on August 18.
Tasmanias Wilderness Battles: A History
By Greg Buckman
Jacuna, 2008
272 pages, $29.95
By Greg Buckman
Jacuna, 2008
272 pages, $29.95
PERTH With a state election set for September 6, the WA Labor government last week pledged a four-year extension of the current moratorium on GM (genetically modified) crops and a limit on GM canola trials to 10 hectares.
There is good news and bad news. Let's have the bad news first.
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