One month on from a corruption scandal that forced the resignation of Peru’s entire cabinet, the political crisis for President Alan Garcia continues unabated.
The Rudd government is proposing to make funding for vocational training “contestable”, the Sydney Morning Herald revealed on October 29. The proposal, effectively a privatisation of TAFE colleges, was drafted by state and federal bureaucrats and will be discussed at the November 17 Council of Australian Governments meeting.
Workers across Australia are working longer hours, for less pay and with more job insecurity. These are the findings of a report released on October 29 and prepared by the Workplace Research Centre at the University of Sydney.
Twenty-seven members of the Colombian armed forces, including generals and other high-ranking officers, have been fired in connection to revelations that they had been involved with the abduction and murder of civilians.
After walking in to Bayswater power station near Singleton, I was one of about 25 people who took part in a protest at one of Australia’s biggest CO2 emitters on November 1.
Concern about the threat of climate change and environmental destruction has probably never been higher. Opinion polls consistently show that a big majority of Australians support serious action on climate change and a move away from an economy based on the burning of fossil fuels for energy.
There can be no doubt that the great majority of the 55 million US citizens whose votes made Barack Obama president want change.
Granny Albyn’s Complaint
By David Betteridge
Smokestack Books, 2008
65 pages, £7.95
Available from http://www.smokestack-books.co.uk
My name is truth; but you may know me as justice, honour or even common sense. @poetry = I don't know your individual names — there are just too many of you to remember. @poetry = You didn't listen when I told you they had decimated the
NAISDA Dreaming — Follows a group of young Indigenous dance students as their classroom is moved from urban studios to the bush and red earth of a remote homeland in northeast Arnhem Land. ABC, Sunday, November 16, 1.30pm. Haditha: The Rules of
Two-and-a-half million people marched through the streets of Rome on October 25 in opposition to the policies and corruption of the right-wing government of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.
The Kyoto Protocol’s “Clean Development Mechanism” (CDM), which was supposed to reduce emissions, is subsidising the fossil-fuel industry.