NSW resource package 'a sweetheart deal' The NSW government's proposed natural resources package is a sweetheart deal between the government and large timber corporations which would privatise NSW forests without giving any real job security to
Opera on the edge Lacuna Performed by Chamber Made Opera Composed by David Chesworth Libretto and direction by Douglas Horton At the Gasworks Theatre, Melbourne, until November 7 Reviewed by Lin Wolfe This is a difficult production to
By Abdullah Saleh YOGYAKARTA — Riot police attacked about 100 people attending a forum on the need for independent youth organisations here on October 27. Participants in the forum wanted to discuss alternatives to the Indonesian National
Protest against 1080 poison By Sam Wainwright HOBART — Protesters from Jackey's Marsh in northern Tasmania dumped the stinking carcasses of about 20 poisoned bush animals on the steps of Parliament House here on October 24 to protest
By Oleg Yanitsky MOSCOW — The fourth annual conference of the Social-Ecological Union took place here from October 5 to 8. The largest green organisation to emerge from the USSR, the union includes groups from all over the Commonwealth of
Together or not at all The environmental crisis facing the Earth today is a direct result of the transnational capitalist economic system. This system of unplanned production solely for the sake of private profit does not provide for the actual
US President George Bush on October 23 signed into law the Torricelli Bill, tightening Washington's blockade against Cuba. The law forbids US subsidiaries abroad to trade with the island, sanctions countries trading with Cuba or giving it
A week of a mini-budget which spread the Victorian state burden evenly and fairly among the poor, and of an industrial relations act which puts a bit more equality into the already equal and loving and caring relationship between employer and
MELBOURNE — A speaking tour of Victoria has been organised for Charles Moran, a representative of the NSW Asbestos Ex-miners Aboriginal Corporation, who is himself suffering from asbestosis. The Bundalung people were forced by economic
By Renfrey Clarke MOSCOW — "We need a decent living wage!" Aleksei Bogdanov, delegate from the Lianozovo Electromechanical Plant, told the packed stadium. "How are people supposed to live on 3000 roubles a month?" Metalworkers' leader Yuri
By Peter Boyle MELBOURNE — If anyone doubts that the Liberal and National parties plan to destroy the collective bargaining power of workers, they have only to look at the Employee Relations Bill introduced into the Victorian Parliament on
Police Shootings in Victoria, 1987-1989: You deserve to know the truth By the families of Mark Militano, Jedd Houghton and Graeme Jensen and the Flemington/Kensington Community Legal Centre Paperback, 116 pp. $10 Reviewed by Alex Cooper