In the aftermath of industrial action by Qantas workers at airports in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth on March 30 over plans out-source jobs, Qantas announced on April 14 that 1750 jobs would be cut.
For the fourth time in 40 years, troops have opened fire on pro-democracy demonstrators in Bangkok. Each time, the aim has been the same: to protect the interests of the conservative elites who have run Thailand for the past 70 years.
Hand in hand with transformations headed by President Hugo Chavez, Venezuela is experiencing a surge in demand for socialist classics, which compels editorial houses to reprint works like the Communist Manifesto.
On March 26, the NSW Legislative Council passed the motion by Greens NSW MP John Kaye that called on the government to drop its demands that TAFE teacher conditions be slashed to pay for salary increases.
A seven-week industrial dispute between building industry giant John Holland and 39 sacked workers from the West Gate Bridge reconstruction project has entered a new stage. Workers and their supporters unanimously supported a moratorium on further protest actions against the company at a meeting on April 17.
A NATO operation killed six civilians on April 13, including a young girl, in eastern Afghanistan, an Associated Press article that day reported villagers and officials as saying. The NATO occupying force denied the allegation, instead claiming eight “militants” had been killed.
Green Left Weekly is proud to have sponsored the hugely successful World at a Crossroads: Fighting for Socialism in the 21st Century conference, held over the Easter weekend in Sydney.
In recent years, Australia has seen some of the biggest protests in its history, namely those against the Iraq war and Work Choices. Over the past decade increasing numbers have taken to the streets, in support of various movements such as anti-war, workers rights, anti-neoliberalism, climate change action and many more.
Hundreds joined a march in Belfast on April 8 in support of the 210 Visteon workers sacked on March 31, who have been occupying their plant since.
About 300 women protested against a new anti-women marriage law on April 15. The law denies women basic rights and legalises rape. The women were surrounded by 1000-strong mob who pelted them with stones, Associated Press said that day.
On April 15, receivers for collapsed childcare company ABC Learning announced they had found new operators for 210 of its 241 childcare centres deemed unprofitable. As well as the 55 centres already shut down at the end of last year, 19 are set to close next month.
Renowned progressive journalist and veteran anti-racist campaigner Mumia Abu-Jamal, who faces the death penalty over a police killing he denies, is set to live out his life in prison after a new trial was denied by the US Supreme Court on April 6, said that day.
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