Telecom privatisation It was not surprising to read that the man who gave Sydney a white elephant at Darling Harbour and a leaky monorail is now following a much bigger quarry, the privatisation of Telecom. One of Labor's "mates", Laurie
MARK NEWHOUSE, ANC (WA) Youth and Student Representative, spoke to a Green Left Weekly forum in Perth on October 28 on the struggle for democracy in South Africa. His talk is presented here slightly abridged. A recent national meeting of
Democrats will support repeal of 45D Victorian Senator Sid Spindler announced on November 12 that the Democrats would vote for the repeal of sections 45D and E of the Trade Practices Act. This is in line with party policy but is an about-face
Benefit for Sydney public radio's "Mr R & B" — The many admirers of Chris Dell, stalwart presenter of Sydney radio's premier black roots music program, Stormy Monday on 2MBS-FM, have joined forces to organise a medical benefit on his behalf. The
Underemployment: the de-skilling of young people By Sean Malloy With unemployment in Australia at the highest rate in half a century, among 15-19 year-olds it is a massive 31.2%. Bad as this is, it implies a further problem: a similarly large
By Pip Hinman MELBOURNE — When 200,000 people take to the streets, as they did on November 10 despite the rain and patches of hail, the atmosphere is hard to describe. Photographs taken with a wide-angled lens or from helicopters can only
Six-thirty a.m. Narita International Airport. JAL 722, a DC-10 from Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur, lands. This plane is full of Indonesians and Malaysians. One look at them and you can guess they are newly arrived workers heading for jobs the Japanese
Mary Christmas Cartoonist Rona Chadwick, whose cartoons readers will have seen in Green Left Weekly, has a series of "Mary Xmas" cards especially suited to the holiday season. For a free catalogue of these and other designs, send a stamped,
Sinn Fein activist murdered by UVF By Denis Kevans Sheena Campbell, a Sinn Fein activist, was murdered in Belfast last month. Sheena, 29, was a member of the Six County Sinn Fein Executive, and a woman's activist. Sheena was standing with
Gambling with our future How Super is Super? By Anna Pha Socialist Party of Australia Reviewed by Barry Healy Since the mid-'80s, Australian workers have been herded into superannuation schemes through a government and ACTU-agreed plan to
By Boris Kagarlitsky For almost a year now, the president and the government have been implementing their reforms. They started by promising us that prosperity would come in only seven or eight months. Later they told us that "as we warned
Timor Gap Warren Snowdon, MHR, says that exploration for oil in the Timor Gap in partnership with Indonesia is not connected to the Dili massacre and other human rights abuses in East Timor. In fact, they are all results of the invasion of