An interview with Raj Patel, author of 'The Value of Nothing' and 'Stuffed and Starved', about corporate dominance of global food production and battles to create democratic and sustainable food systems.
This year, International Women’s Day (IWD) coincides with the Labour Day weekend in Victoria and Tasmania. It gives an opportunity to highlight how much women have contributed to fighting for workers’ rights and civil liberties, and how little they have been acknowledged for it.
The video posted below is from a public meeting featuring Australian activists and Socialist Alliance members based in Caracas, Kiraz Janicke and Federico Fuentes in Toronto, Canada on Venezuela’s Bolivarian revolution.
A sub-editing error in Green Left Weekly #827, in the article “Teacher activists elected to union council”, meant that the article gave the impression that the issue of performance pay leading up to the NSW Teachers’ Federation’s 2009 annual conference was debated at the February 2010 Council.
Forty people attended a launch of the latest publication from Resistance Books, The Aboriginal Struggle and the Left on February 20.
Australian author and climate change commentator Clive Hamilton has revealed that prominent climate scientists have been targeted by a cyber-bullying campaign by climate change deniers.
Mamdouh Habib is joyous. The Australian citizen whose life was taken away from him by torture, harassment and abuse both here and overseas since being captured by US forces in 2001, has received acknowledgment his case can proceed.
Israeli murders of Palestinian resistance leaders are not normally condemned by Australian government ministers. Not even the 2002 murder of Salah Shehade in Gaza, in which the murder weapon was a one-tonne bomb from an F-16 jet, and 14 other people, nine of them children, were killed.
Staff at the National Archives of Australia (NAA) offices in Adelaide, Darwin and Hobart believe that the February 23 announcement not to close down these offices was a victory for people power.
Campaigning group Climate Action Hobart (CAH) held a ‘Dancing with the “climate” stars’ competition on February 26 to drawn attention to the climate policies of Tasmania’s big political parties.
No … politeness, happiness, humanity
Have … pain, sorrow, suffering
Nobody is here … to love us
Nobody is here … to be honesty
We are suffering without love
We were expecting politeness
We were looking for humanity. But
We couldn't
The following article is based on information from Friends of the Earth Melbourne.
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