
Occupy Gezi protest in 2013

Turkish police arrested 170 protesters around Istanbul’s Taksim Square on May 31, as crowds gathered to mark the 9th anniversary of the nationwide anti-government demonstrations that began in nearby Gezi Park, reports Medya News.

Interference in univerity affairs by Turkey's regime has sparked resistance by staff and students. Could this be the start of a new youth movement, writes Muhsin Yorulmaz?

People in Turkey are sad and angry. At least 300 workers lost their lives in a May 13 mine accident in Soma, a small town 300 miles from Istanbul. It was the biggest workplace disaster in Turkish history. But instead of punishing management and promising to improve safety, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has openly defended the company. All across the country, people are mobilising against the government. The ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) has reacted with police violence, pepper gas, and water cannons.
Occupy Wall Street protest in solidarity with Occupy Gezi, June 1.

This article was first published on June 1 at For things to help, please see Amnesty International’s Call for Urgent Help and LabourStart's appeal in support of Turkey's trade unions.