Students occupy library

March 31, 1993

Students occupy library

Four hundred students occupied the University of Adelaide library on March 27 in protest against cuts to funding.

Prior to the occupation, students adopted a log of claims demanding an increase in funding of $300,000 to enable the library to address the problem of insufficient books and journals.

The 1993 library budget was cut by $300,000, following a $425,000 cut in 1992. Weekend opening hours during semester time have dropped from four hours in 1991 to three hours.

Student Association president Anthony Roediger told the rally, "Two hundred law students have only two library copies of a textbook for a compulsory subject. This textbook costs $90."

The university vice-chancellor, Professor Kevin Marjoribanks, was presented with a petition signed by 3500 students protesting against the $300,000 cut.

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