Lismore residents discuss Mabo
By Saskia Kouwenberg
LISMORE, NSW — A public forum on Mabo, organised by the newly formed Lismore Human Rights Group in conjunction with the Lands Council, held here on November 18, was an overwhelming success.
More than 300 people squeezed inside a hall and spilled out onto the street to listen as local experts discussed the positive and negative consequences of the proposed native title legislation.
Bundjalung elder "Auntie" Una Walker won the night when she described her feelings at seeing "you all mixed together here tonight". Another person, a resident of 17 years, remarked, "The fact that so many black and white came together is unprecedented in this region".
The meeting showed that many non-Aboriginal people are keen to receive information about Mabo directly from those whom it concerns, and that they want to explore ways to actively support the Aboriginal community. It is hoped that this meeting will be the first of many such joint activities.