Green Left Weekly has only a small team of full-time
writers and artists. They struggle hard each week to cover as much as
they can of the news, views and comment that goes on in Australia and
internationally. They try hard to put together a good looking paper,
with lots of photos, cartoons and drawings to make it even more
accessible. Green Left Weekly is much broader than
this team, however.
In fact, Green Left Weekly is as broad and as informed
and as artistic as its readers.
Green Left Weekly is a democratic newspaper. Unlike
the establishment papers, it doesn't serve the interests of one person
or a small group of owners. Green Left is owned by activists, and
seeks to reflect this in its pages.
Without the weekly input of stories, photos and cartoons
from its readership, Green Left Weekly would not be nearly the
resource that it is. But we need still more.
Green Left Weekly would like to cover every political
campaign that our readers are involved in. We'd like to generate
solidarity around the broadest range of issues. We'd like to review
every politically notable play, film or book that's produced. Doing so
depends on people like you.
Contributing to Green Left is the most certain way of
ensuring your cause a sympathetic hearing by 8000 to 12,000 readers
each week. We can't afford to pay for contributions, but you do get
the satisfaction of knowing that you're contributing to the building
of the alternative.
Green Left Weekly, from beginning to end, is a
democratic project. The wider the variety of contributions, the richer
the discussion. If you want to get more out of Green Left every
week, put more of yourself into it and contribute an article, photo,
cartoon or drawing today to the Green Left Sydney office, PO Box
394, Broadway 2007.
Green Left Weekly — it's your newspaper.