On the box

May 4, 1994

A Most Remarkable Planet: The Dolphin's Gift — It is estimated that during the time it took to make this film, more than half a million dolphins, porpoises and small whales were killed. This story traces the growth in interest in Fungi, a bottlenosed dolphin that lives at the mouth of Dingle Harbour in south-west Ireland. ABC, Sunday, May 8, 6pm.

Masterpiece: the African Face of Corneille — Cornelius Corneille, the Dutch painter, has long been inspired by the people, colours and rituals of Africa. This episode follows him as he returns to Africa and travels through the impressive landscapes from the Hoggar Desert in Algeria to the Dogon Valley in Mali. SBS, Monday, May 9, 8.30pm.

World Cup Series: Sleeping Giants — This four part series takes a look at African football. The first episode, "The Power of One", examines football as the number one sport in the continent and its overriding importance at all levels, from grassroots to political and religious hierarchies. SBS, Tuesday, May 10, 7.30pm.

The Cutting Edge: the Price of Gold — One million people from Brazil's poorest villages are at risk of mercury poisoning as a result of gold mining. Under pressure from environmentalists in Brazil and worldwide, the government outlawed the importing of mercury. However, the money that gold mining brings, combined with Brazil's fragile economy, leaves little room for bargaining. SBS, Tuesday, May 10, 8.30pm.

As it Happened: Silent Feminists: America's First Women Directors — A provocative and unknown part of Hollywood's history is revealed in this exploration of the role of women in the silent film era. SBS, Thursday, May 12, 8.30pm.

Movie: Dark City — A thriller, loosely based on the case of the Sharpeville Six in South Africa. The murder of a councillor during a mass protest leads to an increasing spiral of violence and the arrest of seven innocent people. SBS, Friday, May 13, 12.35am.

(Times are AEST.)

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