Joyous and enlightening theatre

September 14, 1994

Seeing Things
By Barry Lowe
Not So Straight Theatre Company
September 14-17, 8.30pm
Space Theatre, Festival Centre, Adelaide
Reviewed by Penny Farrow

Not So Straight Theatre Company, formed in late 1993, is made up of an impressive and inspiring group of professional theatre workers dedicated to high quality productions. The company embraces gay culture and celebrates sexuality for a wide audience, offering the gay community of South Australia a unique opportunity to see theatre about their lifestyle.

Cracks in the Wall, ,the company's first production last year, received wide acclaim from both critics and audiences. Productions for next year's program include Stephen House's One Plus One and Relative Merits and A Bent Opera.

Seeing Things is a humorous romantic comedy which also comments effectively on a range of social and political issues relevant to the gay and broader communities. The play's in-your-face attitude is fun and loving, and more explicit and daring than most other productions of this kind.

The play explores the idea that love exceeds all boundaries, including death, and that our imaginations and hearts can shape our futures. This is shown by Clarrie's (Christian Goldworthy) struggle to come to terms with his love for Randy (Steve Rex Greig), the ghost of his favourite gay porn star, whom he finds living in the closet of his new flat.

Clarrie's boyfriend, Earl (Geoff Revell) stands by his opinion that "real men don't get fucked and never use rubbers". This attitude is dealt with refreshingly and with humour even though at the end of the day he still goes home to his girlfriend.

The play also examines levels of same-sex relationships from flirtatious friendships to true love and commitment. Gay prejudice is touched on with Mac's fear of being overheard talking about sex in public.

The singles scene, bisexuality, the sex industry ("Just wanted to be a star but was too lazy to learn the lines") and the odd dig at Catholicism are just a few of the issues tackled.

Seeing Things is a joyous and enlightening celebration of homosexuality. Don't miss it.

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