Action updates

June 29, 1994

ADELAIDE — The Democratic Socialist Party has called for a Hiroshima Day Committee to organise an action for August 6. DSP secretary Chris Spindler told Green Left, "With the recent escalation of tension on the Korean peninsula and US war talk against Haiti, we thought it was appropriate to organise a demonstration for Hiroshima Day. The United States is the only country to have dropped a nuclear bomb in a war situation, and it remains the greatest threat to world peace today." Anyone interested in being involved in the Hiroshima Day Committee is invited to attend a meeting on July 2, 7pm, Resistance Bookshop, 34 Hindley St.

SYDNEY — The Bougainville Freedom Movement organised a protest outside the Australian Defence Building on June 24. Human rights activists demanded that the blockade on Bougainville be lifted and that Papua New Guinea troops withdraw immediately so that peace talks can begin immediately. At the protest was Moses Havini, who returned to Australia after PNG cancelled the peace talks in which he participated as a representative of the Bougainville Interim Government.

  • Striking staff of the NSW Teachers Federation gathered outside its annual conference on June 26 to hand leaflets to federation delegates explaining the background to their industrial action. The staff are fighting for a 7% pay claim based on productivity increases. It is three years since the federation staff has had a pay increase. Currently, federation members are struggling for their own 11% increase.

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