By Lisa Macdonald On October 23, the Australian Greens announced their senate teams for Tasmania, Victoria, NSW, Queensland and the ACT. Senate teams in South Australia and the Northern Territory will be announced soon with the goal of enabling every voter to vote Green at the next federal election. The Greens senate tickets are: in Queensland — Angela Jones, Paul Clunies-Ross and Desiree Mahoney; in NSW — Karla Sperling, Peter Denton, Jane Elix and Leeza Dobbie; in ACT — Deborah Foskey and Jonathan Millar; in Victoria — Peter Singer, Karen Alexander and Helen Lucas; and in Tasmania — Bob Brown, Louise Crossley and Janet Dale. The Australian Greens will also campaign to ensure that WA Greens senator Christabel Chamarette is re-elected. National spokesperson for the Greens, Bob Brown, said "Our long term focus is on gaining government. The Greens primary aim at this federal election is to win seats in the senate" and to "break the tired two party stranglehold on Australian politics" by offering voters "a proven record of action politics and a clear alternative to Liberal's and Labor's economic rationalism".
Greens announce senate team
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