Memorial meetings for Ernest Mandel

August 16, 1995

Memorial meetings for Ernest Mandel

Memorial meetings have been called in Sydney and Melbourne to commemorate the political contribution of Ernest Mandel, world-renowned Marxist scholar and revolutionary who died in Belgium on July 20.

Mandel is best known for his numerous contributions to the Marxist understanding of economics, and was a leader of the Trotskyist Fourth International for the past 50 years.

In Sydney, the meeting is being hosted by the Democratic Socialist Party (DSP), and will take place at the Resistance Centre, 23 Abercrombie St, Chippendale, at 6pm on Sunday, August 20. The platform of speakers includes: Frank Stilwell, associate professor, Economics Department, Sydney University; Ken Davis, Solidarity; Peter Symon, general secretary, Socialist Party of Australia; Paul True, editor, Militant; Alison Stewart, International Socialist Organisation, editor, Socialist Worker; Bob Gould, Sydney bookseller and long-time revolutionary socialist; John Minns, socialist activist; Lisa Macdonald, DSP national executive member.

The meeting will be chaired by DSP national secretary John Percy. After the meeting a meal and refreshments will be available. For more information, phone 690 1977.

In Melbourne, the meeting has been called by Solidarity, a sympathising organisation of the Fourth International, and will be held at the Lord Newry Hotel, North Fitzroy, at 7.30pm on Friday, August 18. Speakers include: Chris Gaffney, Solidarity; Steve Jolly, Militant; and Sue Bolton, DSP.

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