Refugee Week forum on Burma
CANBERRA — Forty people attended a forum on June 28 to discuss the current situation in Burma. The event, organised by the Young Christian Workers as part of Refugee Week, was addressed by Mary Way from the Burmese community and Patricia Garcia from Austcare. Speakers outlined the history of oppression in Burma and discussed the spread of HIV infection, the trafficking of women and young girls, the need for trade sanctions to be imposed rather than the diplomatic tactics of "constructive engagement", and the enormous hardships faced by refugees, especially on the Thai-Burmese border.
The importance of Australians taking action in support of democracy in Burma was noted, given the extreme repression of the Burmese people and the limitations on their ability to speak out. Way also pointed out that giving aid to Burmese refugees is not a final solution to the problem, because until the system is changed, the repression will remain and the problem of refugees will continue to be perpetuated.
CISLAC relaunched in Canberra
CANBERRA — About 30 people attended a dinner and fundraiser for the Canberra branch of Committee in Solidarity with Latin America and the Carabin (CISLAC) on June 27. The committee aims to empower people in Latin America through education and development projects run by and for local communities. It held its first planning meeting on June 27, at which it was decided to organise a Latin American night on August 17 to commemorate the Nicaraguan and Cuban revolutions. CISLAC plans to meet on the last Thursday of each month. For more information, contact Lara on (06) 242 7990.
Rally opposes Telstra sell-off
MELBOURNE — The anti-privatisation group Public First organised a "People's Conference" on June 28 in opposition to a corporate conference called to discuss the best methods for privatising Telstra.
The conference, which started with a rally of 70 protesters, heard from a range of speakers including Len Cooper, state secretary of the Communication, Electrical and Plumbing Union, Jim Downey from the Australian Conservation Foundation and Cam Walker from Friends of the Earth.
Tax Office day of action
MELBOURNE — Community and Public Sector Union members employed by the Australian Taxation Office held a day of action on June 27, protesting against cuts to staff and services. Activities included handing out leaflets to the public, collecting signatures on petitions and delegations to members of parliament.
At Casselden Place office in Melbourne, unionists set up a stall outside the building and also leafleted a nearby railway station. Seventeen people walked through the rain to deliver a petition to Treasurer Peter Costello's Melbourne office.
Bougainville picket
SYDNEY — 25 people protested outside the Australian Institute of International Affairs on June 28, organised by the Bougainville Freedom Movement. The protesters attempted to blockade the entrance to a conference to highlight the continued blockade of Bougainville, which has prevented badly needed medicine from getting through. The AIIA had invited the PNG defence minister and PNGDF Commander Singarok to attend.