National day of solidarity with Timor planned

July 3, 1996

By Nick Fredman

SYDNEY — Plans for the August 25 national day of solidarity with East Timor were advanced at a national meeting held here on June 23. The actions, to be held in most major centres in Australia, will demand a free East Timor and withdrawal of Australia's legal recognition of Indonesia's annexation of East Timor.

Taking advantage of the range of activists attending the June 21-24 East Timor: Its role in the Asia Pacific conference, the planning meeting attracted more than 40 people.

Activists from Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Darwin, Hobart, Lismore, Melbourne, Newcastle, Perth, Sydney and Wollongong attended, including representatives from the National Council of Maubere Resistance, Fretilin, Australia East Timor Association (NSW), Action in Solidarity with Indonesia and East Timor, Campaign for an Independent East Timor (ACT), Friends of East Timor (Lismore), Asia Solidarity Network (Newcastle), Resistance, Democratic Socialist Party and Students in Solidarity with Indonesia and East Timor (NSW and Hobart). Representatives of the Philippines socialist youth organisation Kamalayan and Indonesian People in Solidarity with the Maubere People and the People's Democratic Party (Indonesia) took part.

There are plans to increase the already broad sponsorship of more than 80 trade union and student union bodies, academics, writers, Green, Democrat and ALP politicians, and activist groups and individuals, as well as the distribution of posters, leaflets, petitions and a newly produced badge.

A particular effort will be made to promote the day among trade union, student and social justice activists who will be mobilising against the federal government's budget in August.

It was decided to appeal for financial contributions for a half-page advertisement in the Australian.

A motion to support other mobilisations in support of a free East Timor, such as the July 17 national day of action being organised by the Australian Coalition for a Free East Timor, was passed unanimously.

Anyone wishing to sponsor or get involved in the August 25 national day of action should contact the organising group, c/- Christians in Solidarity with East Timor, telephone/fax (02) 745 3423.

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