Photo opportunity

July 3, 1996

Regular readers of Green Left Weekly will have noticed one or two photos in every issue taken by Ken Bansgrove. Ken is one of the many supporters of Green Left.

A keen photographer, Ken attends many of the progressive events and demonstrations in the Sydney area, and records them in pictures for Green Left. He donates his time and the photos free of charge to the paper.

Often, more can be conveyed through a photograph than in several paragraphs of text alone. If a picture does tell a thousand words, then the visual record of events that Ken has contributed would add up to a small book by now. If we had a Ken in every city, then the visual component of Green Left's pages would benefit enormously.

Perhaps you would like to contribute in this way to Green Left Weekly. If you attend functions, events, pickets or demonstrations that are of interest to our readers, then a clear, sharp photo, with a few words describing the event, can add to our coverage. Don't forget to label the photo clearly, indicating the date, the identity of key people (and their organisations if relevant), and make sure that you tell us who took the photo.

If you know in advance that you will be photographing an event, let us know by phoning the Green Left distribution point in your city (details are on this page), so that we know that your photos are coming.

Your snaps can make a difference to the pages of Green Left Weekly — it's your paper.

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