Who's getting whose preferences?

February 28, 1996

The following information about the preference allocations and recommendations of the "progressive" parties and candidates contesting the federal election, while still incomplete (in many seats these decisions have yet to be made or announced), gives some indication of the general thinking of these parties on this important question.

Australian Democrats (AD)

Senate (Vic) — NLP, Greens, "progressive" independents, ALP before the Coalition parties, with CTA and AAFI last. Senate (NSW) — NLP, Seniors, BFC, Reclaim Australia: Reduce Immigration, Greens, NAN, then split between ALP-Coalition, followed by CTA, Shooters Party and AAFI, all ahead of AWP. Senate (Tas) — NLP, CTA, Greens, 50-50 split between ALP-Liberals, Nationals, AWP. Senate (WA) — Preferences are split 50-50 between Greens and AWP. Greens preferences flow on to AWP, NLP, ALP, Nationals, Liberal, AAFI, with CTA last. AWP preferences flow on to Greens, NLP, Nationals, Liberals, ALP, AAFI, CTA. Adelaide — NLP, Greens, independents, AAFI, Grey Power, AWP, then a 50-50 ALP-Coalition split. Hindmarsh (SA) — NLP, DSEL, Greens, ALP, Liberals, NA. Melbourne — NLP, Greens, DSEL, ALP-Coalition split. In all lower house seats in Victoria, the Democrats have decided on a 50-50 ALP-Coalition split after distributing preferences to all "progressive" candidates. In the Hunter Valley, the Democrats are not recommending any particular preference flow in lower house seats, except in Cunningham, where they recommend first preferences to the Greens.

Australian Greens

Senate (SA) — AWP, AD and ALP before Liberals. Senate (NT) — AD, ALP, Country Liberal Party (CLP). Senate (NSW) — AWP, Republican Party, NAN, BFC, AD, NLP, Grey Power, Seniors and a 2/3ALP- 1/3 Liberal split. Sydney — NAN, AD, DSEL, NLP, ALP, with Liberals followed by CTA last. Lowe (NSW) — AD, NAN, DSEL, independents, NLP, ALP, Liberals, CTA. Northern Territory — DSEL, ALP, CLP. Hindmarsh (SA) — AD, DSEL, ALP, Liberal, NA. The Greens put AD before the major parties, and ALP before Liberals in "most" lower house seats in South Australia. Fraser & Namadgi (ACT) — ALP, Liberals. Canberra — Not recommending preferences to any party or independent. In all lower house seats in Tasmania, the Greens are refusing to direct preferences to either ALP or the Liberals. The Greens are allocating their preferences in seats in the Hunter Valley in the order of the list on the ballot paper, except in Shortland, where they have split 50-50 between the ALP and Coalition. In all other seats, Greens' preferences go to the ALP before the Coalition.

Australian Women's Party

Senate (NSW) — Greens, NAN, AD, Republican Party, BFC, ALP. Senate (WA) — Preferences are split 50-50 between Greens and AD. Green preferences flow through the ALP while AD preferences flow through the Liberals before both tickets flow on to the Nationals, NLP, with AAFI then CTA last. Adelaide — Greens, AD with ALP before the Liberals.

Democratic Socialists

The DSEL is recommending preferences in all lower and upper house seats to the Greens, then NAN (NSW), AWP, AD, ALP before the Coalition parties, with the extreme right-wing parties (including AAFI, Reclaim Australia and CTA) last. Exceptions are in Queensland, where DSEL is recommending preferences go to the IPP before the Greens, and in the seat of Canberra, where independent Gray Grerzkiewicz is recommended before the Greens.

No Aircraft Noise Party (NSW)

Senate (NSW) — BFC, AWP, Greens, AD, Seniors, Republican Party, and a 50-50 ALP-Liberal split.

WA Greens

Senate (WA) — A split ticket with first preferences going to AWP or AD. Both tickets then flow to AD or AWP, independents, NLP, the last two candidates on the ALP ticket, candidates low on the Liberals' and National tickets, then to the first Liberal before the first ALP, with AAFI, then CTA last.


AAFI — Australians Against Further Immigration AD — Australian Democrats AWP — Australian Women's Party BFC — Better Future for our Children CTA — Call to Australia (Fred Nile) Group DSEL — Democratic Socialist Electoral League IPP — Indigenous People's Party NA — National Action NAN — No Aircraft Noise Party (NSW only) NLP — Natural Law Party

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