Write on: Letters to the editor
Workers' compensation
Conservative politicians and the Mineral Council of Australia ask why miners should have special privileges under the proposed NSW Workers' Compensation Act. Miners in NSW have justifiably initiated strike action to protest the rejection of their claim by the NSW Legislative Council.
However, if this legislation is bad for miners it is also bad for other sections of the work force, some of whom are engaged in jobs which are just as dangerous. Although the miners' strike action is undeniably justified, it does not include consideration of the question "If it isn't good enough for miners, why is it good enough for other workers?"
The Labor government in NSW has introduced yet another bill restricting the rights of all workers, although containing an exemption for miners. We should not only support the miners in their cause; we should call for the total rejection of these changes in workers' compensation laws restricting the rights of all workers.
Margaret Perrott
Wollongong NSW
Marx and Zionism
Philip Mendes writes (GLW #255) that the existence of "Left anti-semitism", particularly in the founders of Marxism prior to 1893, is not in any doubt and that claims of Zionist collaboration with the Nazis during WW II are anti-semitic and victim-blaming. Both these arguments are commonly used by defenders of Zionism, including left-Zionists, to stake a claim for Zionism (in its hard or soft version) as superior to Marxism on the issue of Jewish oppression. Both arguments can be challenged, however.
Marx, particularly in his early years, did use the common "economic Jew" stereotype (sometimes carelessly in his struggles against rightist elements in the working class movement such as Lassalle) as a shorthand for condemning capitalism. This "anti-semitism" is not, however, the same as the anti-semitism of anti-Jewish "racial" prejudice. "Money-bags" has been a common term used by Australian workers to berate the rich but it rarely has any anti-semitic intent despite its origins.
Marx and Engels also consistently supported political and social emancipation of the Jews (Marx signing a petition for Jewish rights as early as 1843) and they opposed racism because it divided the working class.
On the issue of Zionist-Nazi collaboration, it is not a matter, as Philip argues, of a few "individual Jews or Jewish leaders" collaborating, but of Zionist political logic which, because it sees anti-semitism as inevitable and the only solution as a separate Jewish state, often finds its friends amongst its enemies, from Tsarist Russia to Nazi Germany, which likewise saw Jews as the problem.
The role of Zionism during WW II is well-documented by Jewish scholarship and memoirs of anti-Nazi Jewish partisans. The Zionists on the Nazi-backed Jewish Council in the Warsaw ghetto encouraged Jews to go to Treblinka despite knowing what lay in store for them. The Jewish Police loaded Jews onto the cattle-trucks. It is not victim-blaming to blame the politics of Zionism. Jewish resistance fighters in the heroic Warsaw ghetto uprising in 1943 assassinated Jewish Police leaders and denounced the Jewish Council.
Philip's seamless interchange from "Zionist" to "Jewish" unfairly rules out any political critique of Zionism as victim-blaming. Just as Stalinism did not represent the interests of the working class when Stalin signed a non-aggression pact with Hitler in 1939, Zionism did not then, and does not now, represent the interests of Jews.
Phil Shannon
Curtin ACT
I would like to respond to the last statements made by Col Friel in his letter GLW # 254, "As the world fuel oil supplies will be almost depleted and prohibitively expensive in forty years, too expensive for agriculture, how will these people feed themselves?"
Has he thought to find out the total volume of produce exported from this continent in agriculture and horticulture each year. Add to that the regular sugar, lamb, wheat, butter, beef mountains that are destroyed within this country and we are talking about a substantial volume of produce not consumed by our 18 million population. If it came down to agribusiness only working at levels to feed the current population then the overwhelming majority of land currently being grazed or under cultivation could be left fallow. Agribusiness currently produces enough to feed a population over the 150 million mark, enough to feed most of Asia.
What I suggest is why doesn't a huge suppurating consumptive cyst like Sydney learn to become more self-sufficient rather than the spoon-fed unproductive idiot child it is. Have the Shires aim to learn how to become self-sufficient. Encourage local cottage tie-, and boot-making industries. Learn to produce food locally.
The lady next door to myself with rainwater gathered from her roof , two small vegie plots and a handful of fruit trees is completely self sufficient in fruit and vegies all year round. Not only that, she produces enough to feed the majority of families in our suburban street. (But we are consumers so we don't accept free vegies; we buy imported vegies from the local store.)
If a myriad of these people were encouraged across Sydney then a new labour intensive industry would be created that creates jobs and actually produces something worthwhile.
"How would people dispose of their wastes?" As for sewerage, hasn't this man heard of the new dry air flow composting toilets. Sydney could produce enough quality compost to truck out to degraded areas, dig and in and re-seed those areas.
"How would people power their houses?" Energy. Well, this is a problem. Considering Australia is a desert continent with vast amounts of light, heat and thus energy in its so-called dead core, I can't possibly guess where we might get energy from.
If people are going to continue to talk in terms only of a future with petrochemicals, our current outfall sewerage system, agribusiness being the only supplier of food, and communities that refuse to attempt to become self-reliant and prefer to buy cheap imports made in overseas sweat shops, then we will never see that there are alternatives and that we should seriously contemplate utilising them.
Mark Dullow
Jannali NSW
Expressway madness
During his Australian visit, transport expert Tim Pharbah of Southbank University, London, has shown surprise that governments here persist in the urban expressway construction abandoned in the UK and Europe. He also observed that the NSW and Victorian governments entered contracts which no European government would dare consider, guaranteeing the M2 and CityLink consortia that their income will never be threatened by competition from more responsible and desirable transport initiatives.
There is little hope of undoing the environmental, social and financial damage of these wayward projects, but out of national self-respect it should be noted that some Australians do know better. Ross Blunden, Emeritus Professor of Traffic Engineering, University of New South Wales, taught his students better, but, regrettably, some students found their bread would be buttered best by the NSW Roads and Traffic Authority.
NSW Land and Environment Commissioner John Woodward rejected the RTA proposal which was the precursor of the M2 Tollway. Premier Bob Carr briefly appeared to know better when he made election promises to dis-empower the RTA and review the M2 contract. Many citizens devoted years to liaising, lobbying and demonstrating. Those embroiled in more than 100 arrests on the M2 continue to pay the price almost two years later through protracted legal proceedings and bail conditions.
D.D. Michel
Secretary, Coalition of Transport Action Groups
North Ryde NSW
A fair trial
I am writing on behalf of Daisy Benson, currently serving a life sentence in a California prison. Nine years ago Daisy was charged with second degree murder. Her rights to a fair trial were compromised by the forced administration of mind-altering drugs in the period leading up to and including her trial.
From her prison cell, Daisy has fought a public battle for justice. Founder of Women Prisoners Convicted by Drugging, Daisy speaks for at least 40 other women whose rights were similarly violated.
On November 15, 1995, after years of frustration and disappointments her efforts were rewarded. The United States District Court ordered the State of California to "show cause" why the state court should not grant her writ of Habeas Corpus.
When her case finally comes to court, Daisy will be returned to her gaol where she is physically and mentally abused. There are fears for her safety. Letters supporting her right to a fair trial as guaranteed under the constitution of her country may well save her life. Write to: Daisy Benson, W-28860 Barnberg B 1146-L Frontera, California 91720, USA.
Margaret Settler
Miller NSW
Fluoride dangers
An article in October 11's Daily Telegraph, tucked away on page seven and not much larger than a postage stamp, has alarming implications for the health of Australians. The article states that "research shows that Fluoride can damage teeth and the central nervous system according to secret research that has been hidden for 50 years".
This research, declassified by the US government, shows that in 1945 scientists had evidence that Fluoride could cause confusion, drowsiness and listlessness and dental fluorosis. It appears that more research was ordered but cancelled.
A large percentage of Australia has had artificial fluoridation for many years. Dentists, doctors and the so-called health departments, the NHMRC and all the major political parties pushed this rat poison with zeal.
Many in the community are aware of the danger. In Port Macquarie, Coffs Harbour, Kempsey and Lismore, fluoridation has been successfully fought. We need to get angry; to act and demand a total cessation of all fluoridation, the removal of fluoride from toothpastes and the banning of all fluoride drops and tabs now. A full, independent and comprehensive inquiry of the issues raised is needed now.
Sodium Fluoride was used as a rat poison prior to fluoridation, but we are told it is good for babies and kiddies and dentists slather it around our mouths. Australia is the most heavily fluoridated country in the world. The idea was sold to the government by US dentists even though US government research shows they knew before they introduced it that it was a deadly, accumulative poison.
Therese Mackay
Port Macquarie NSW