National Challenge revitalised
By Maree Roberts
CANBERRA — At a meeting of Community and Public Sector Union activists held here on August 31, there were welcome signs that the fight against the Howard government's attacks is still a priority for activists. The meeting helped to revitalise the National Challenge network, whose members are from CPSU activist groups and networks in each state and territory.
Aspects of the current "campaign" were discussed, which has been characterised by inaction by the Caird leadership, with attendance at mass meetings dropping off because members are realising that the union is not serious about fighting the attacks. The much-touted community and bans campaigns have been patchy, and industrial activity has once again been targeted at departmental managements, when the cuts are not within the power of these managements to resolve, but rest squarely with the government.
As an alternative, National Challenge endorsed a position which supports a public service-wide log of claims, which makes it clear that job cuts in any agency will be unacceptable to members and promotes solidarity amongst members as the only method of defeating the cuts.
Members in different agencies, especially Social Security and DEETYA, which are facing the most vigourous attacks, were able to discuss common approaches. With elections in all union sections on the way, National Challenge activists must present CPSU members with an alternative to the current leadership and push for real campaigns.