"In the era of downsizing, we are getting rid of subordinates and not management." — Professor Phyllis Tharenou of Monash University, author of a study on white collar workers in the private and public sectors.
"He's got no ideas, no experience and no hope." — Sir Edward Heath, former Tory PM of Britain, on the newly elected Tory leader, William Hague.
Yawn maker
"The city that never sleeps is getting its toughest test." — Columnist Peter Ruehl on the arrival in New York of Prime Menzies John Howard.
Sounds great!
"... it's impossible as a manager to hire, fire, reward or promote anyone without asking the union ..." — Hunter No. 1 mine manager Allan Davies.
To create one?
"When the United States President ... and other NATO leaders gather in Madrid today, they will face a simple question: Why should a military alliance created nearly half a century ago continue in the absence of any threat?" — William Drozdiak in the Washington Post.
Arms race
"NATO's expansion into eastern Europe ... signals the start of a race by Western arms manufacturers to re-equip the former communist states with at least US$30 billion worth of combat aircraft, attack helicopters, radar and support equipment." — David Fairhall in the Guardian, London.
And he may try it some day
"Sometimes governments have to say no to business because what business wants is not always in the national interest." — Prime Menzies John Howard.
Big if
"If they are doing the job that they are elected for, and that's to represent their constituents, then they are underpaid ..." — Queensland University Professor Ken Wiltshire on federal politicians.