Life of Riley: It pays to be mellow

June 4, 1997

Life of Riley

It pays to be mellow

It pays to be mellow

Prime Minister: Mr President, my government and I wish to congratulate you on your election victory. And what a stunning victory it was.

President: Mr Howard, you are just too kind.

Prime Minister: No. Not at all — these things need to be said. It was a vote of confidence, Mr President — in you and your government.

President: We like to think so.

Prime Minister: No doubt about it. It was a credit to the way you do business, Mr Suharto.

President: You know us: work, work, work.

Prime Minister: By the way, how is the family?

President: I try to look after them.

Prime Minister: What father wouldn't? You gotta stand by kith and kin in this world.

President: Over here, Mr Howard, when there's 200 million chasing a rupiah, you need to stand by your own.

Prime Minister: Oh that's so true. Loyalty is so important these days.

President: I demand it.

Prime Minister: And you get it.

President: You're loyal.

Prime Minister: To you? Yes I am.

President: My people are loyal.

Prime Minister: They are.

President: Except for a few.

Prime Minister: Communists.

President: Ah yes ... them — the PPP and the PRD. I tell you, John, they are a pain in the neck.

Prime Minister: If you don't mind me saying so — can I make a suggestion?

President: Please do.

Prime Minister: Well, Mr President, I find it's sometimes better to recognise the past. If folk are getting a bit restless — and with all due respect, they seem to be a touch angry in your country — a gesture sometimes can work wonders.

President: The bans stay!

Prime Minister: Of course. Demand respect always, but soften your image a little sometimes. It pays to be mellow.

President: I'm a soldier.

Prime Minister: Yes, of course, a forceful figure, a leader to his people, a man among men — but show a little heart occasionally; otherwise they start calling you names.

President: Like "butcher".

Prime Minister: Well, yes.

President: "Despot ."

Prime Minister: Names, Mr President — and they lose respect and get a bit surly. It can spread, I assure you, like a disease.

President: Then I will destroy it, kill it before any infection flares up.

Prime Minister: There you go again, Mr President. There's a time and a place for everything. No, Mr President, I ask you to cool it, throw water over hot coals.

President: I will not retire!

Prime Minister: Oh no, Mr President, no-one is asking you to. Stay on (if you must) but make a gesture of recognition. Here we call it reconciliation. It's another word for maintaining the status quo.

President: I'm all ears, Mr Prime Minister, all ears.

Prime Minister: It's simple really: just say you're sorry.

President: But I'm not sorry.

Prime Minister: Yes, but they don't know that.

By Dave Riley

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