Death of civil rights

March 12, 1997

Death of civil rights

By Graham Matthews

BRISBANE — When lesbian JM won an anti-discrimination case in the Equal Opportunities Commission against a Queensland sperm bank that refused her access because of her sexuality, the media made much ado.

The hysterical response of Queensland minister for health Mike Horan, who threatened to change the anti-discrimination law to prevent such an outcome again, was not so widely reported. If successful, Horan's legislation would undermine hard-won rights of lesbians and gay men in Queensland, and hammer yet another nail into the coffin of civil rights in this state.

Shayne Wilde is spokesperson for the Diversity Rights Action Coalition which is building a protest march against Queensland government attacks on civil rights to be held in King George Square on March 16 at 1pm.

Wilde told Green Left Weekly that, "the National Party dominated Coalition government in Queensland is seeking to overturn the Equal Opportunities Commission decision, and to restrict adoption rights and youth rights." The government is also attempting to prevent gays, lesbians and even single (heterosexual) men from being foster parents.

Wilde points out that it's not just lesbians and gays, but wide sections of the community who are under attack. "We've got a premier running around the state railing against Wik, and continuously attacking migrants. We're asking the question 'who's next?'."

A broad range of demands will be raised at the rally which will have speakers from the Aboriginal and migrant communities, and from the Relinquishing Mothers Association. The march will take the form of a funeral procession, representing the death of human, social and civil rights in Queensland. At the gates of Parliament House there will be a wreath laying ceremony.

The rally will be the first initiative in a united campaign against the attacks on civil rights. For more information, phone Shayne Wilde on 3892 5767 or 3356 8484.

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