Loose cannons

March 12, 1997

@columhead = Partial will do

"Ministers [should] desist from promoting Dorothy Dixers that appear designed to make the person asking him look like a total dill." — Leaked federal Coalition memo on managing parliamentary question time.

@columhead = Law 'n' order

"A survey of 1878 US police departments has shown 11 per cent of police chiefs believe at least one of their officers would be affected [by a new federal law banning anyone convicted of domestic violence from carrying a gun]." — The Guardian.

@columhead = Private is more efficient

"Just this week, South West Trains, one of the private companies which took over from British Rail, had to admit it had cut back its work force so far that it had no-one to drive many of its trains." — Sydney Morning Herald, February 28.

@columhead = Got his wish

"I want a Commonwealth government that will say high levels of business taxes are bad, and we'll abolish them ..." — NSW Premier Bob Carr (Labor, not that it matters).

@columhead = Slow learners

"Secretary noted that there is likely to be considerable publicity about DEETYA administration in coming weeks as elements of our handling of Austudy matter have not been best practice." — Minutes of the February 25 meeting of the DEETYA Corporate Leadership Group.

@columhead = Democracy

"The Indonesian Government has confirmed that its 6 million public servants must vote for the ruling Golkar Party in the coming national elections ..." — Sydney Morning Herald, March 1.

@columhead = Don't!

"This is one of those moments where the thought goes through your brain and your mind — why do you ever try?" — Victorian Premier Jeff Kennett (whose brain and mind apparently live in different places) on the Melbourne public transit strike.

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