O-weeks a great success for Resistance

March 5, 1997

O-weeks a great success for Resistance

By Sean Healy

Over the last fortnight, Resistance has joined more than 370 people at university "orientation weeks" around the country.

The Resistance club at the University of Sydney joined 100 people. Fifty people joined at the University of Melbourne, and more than 20 joined at each of the Australian National University, Curtin University and the Universities of Queensland, NSW, Tasmania, WA and Adelaide.

Resistance clubs report a lot of interest in socialist politics and in their upcoming forums entitled "Why Marxism?". There was also a lot of interest in campaigning against racism. Resistance is planning to hold actions and meetings on campus in opposition to racism.

More than half of the new members of Resistance are women, indicating a lot of interest in feminist politics and activity, including in the International Women's Day rallies on March 8.

In the coming weeks Resistance clubs will be organising actions, meetings and discussions on issues that matter to students. For details see pages 22-23 or ring your nearest Resistance branch.

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