Support for Redfern Aboriginal community

February 5, 1997

Aboriginal residents of the Block in Redfern have decided to fight back. They have decided to resist their eviction, which is being pushed by a racist alliance of governments, developers and one of the most corrupt police forces in the country.

Their campaign is a crucial one for all supporters of justice. It's a campaign for Aboriginal control over Aboriginal affairs, and for land — for the land that the community has settled and built its homes on.

Green Left Weekly will be campaigning with the community and doing our utmost to build solidarity with their struggle nationwide, as part of the paper's ongoing commitment to building the movements against racism and all forms of oppression.

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In the last few days of last week, Green Left Weekly supporters around the country recruited more than 35 new subscribers to the paper as part of our campaign for 500 new subscriptions. That's in addition to all those people who sent their subscription order directly to our office in Sydney.

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