Women and Labour Conference
By Lisa Macdonald
Women from around Australia will gather at Deakin University in Geelong November 28-30 for the sixth national Women and Labour Conference.
These conferences were an important part of the women's liberation movement during the 1970s and early '80s. After an 11-year gap, the gatherings were revived as a biennial event in 1995 in Sydney.
This year's conference is being hosted by the Australian Women's Research Centre, which was established to undertake interdisciplinary research and education on issues concerning Australian women.
The 1997 conference theme, "Feminist Social Change Across the Generations: Diversity, Power, Communication, Strategies for Change", embodies the aims of the conference.
In addition to bringing together community workers, activists and academics to share information and discuss strategies to improve the lives of women, the conference organisers hope that a new national women's organisation will be formed out of the conference.
The issues to be covered in papers and workshops range from child-care and employment, through sexuality, health, violence and women's services, to indigenous and immigrant women and activism and organising.
The conference agenda also includes screening of parts of a new documentary on the history of the women's movement in Australia since the late 1960s. The organisers are encouraging groups and individuals to mount displays of their work and launch books and other projects during the conference.
Featured speakers will include Doreen Kartinyeri from the Kumarangk (Hindmarsh Island) Coalition; Joan Kirner on women in parliament; Jocelyn Scutt on the women's movement; Sheila Jeffreys on queer politics; Marilyn Lake on women in politics; the ALP's Carmen Lawrence; feminist writers Renate Klein and Diane Bell; plus representatives from the Australian Women's Party, Radical Women, the Coalition of Activist Lesbians and Campaign Against Racism.
Registration is $180 (waged) and $90 (unwaged) for the full conference, or $60/30 per day.
To register or for more information, contact the organisers at Australian Women's Research Centre, Deakin University, Geelong 3217; telephone (03) 5227 2597 or e-mail