Flickerfest casts an eye on PNG
SYDNEY — Flickerfest, Australia's international short film festival, is to host "Ways of Seeing — the Camera Eye and Papua New Guinea", a documentary festival and forum night. It will take place at the Bondi Pavilion on November 29, starting at 5pm.
Beginning with New Guinea Patrol (1952), the program will illustrate the predominance of the "noble savage" images in the documentaries of the time, which also positively portrayed the role of Australian patrol officers enforcing law in PNG's colonial past.
The anthropological films favoured by the Institute of Papua New Guinea Studies are represented by acclaimed film-makers Gary Kildea, Les McLaren and Dennis O'Rourke.
These leading film-makers will discuss their work and their influences at a forum beginning at 7.30pm.
Films featured include Les McLaren and Annie Stevens' Taking Pictures, Mark Worth's Kiap Song, Bob Connolly and Robin Anderson's First Contact and Dennis O'Rourke's Yumi Yet and Cannibal Tours.
Ways of Seeing will cost $25 or $20 concession. Phone 9211 7133 for information or bookings.