By Mathew Chamberlain.
Progressive politics were the source of inspiration for 17 Rockhampton residents who met, ate and discussed plans for future Resistance campaigns in the town on May 10.
The barbeque officially welcomed Green Left Weekly to Rockhampton and provided an opportunity for local activists, who object to the misrepresentations in the mass media to get acquainted. The sunny afternoon was spent exchanging experiences, including with Democratic Socialist Party Brisbane branch organiser Graham Matthews.
Rockhampton residents have shown strong support for the campaign to stop uranium mining at Jabiluka and there is considerable local interest in campaigns in solidarity with the Maritime Union of Australia and the Indonesian students campaigning for democracy in their country.
A number of future events were planned, including an MUA solidarity film night, at which three films will be screened: a new production about the recent campaign on Australia's wharves, Ken Loach's film about the Liverpool dockers' struggle in England, and a film about the MUA's support for the Indonesian workers' and students' fight for democracy during the 1940s.
For more information about these activities or Green Left Weekly, telephone 4921 1153 or write to Box 128, Central Queensland University Post Office 4701.