Mutual obligation
Fees for beds in nursing homes,
Schemes for working for the dole,
Price hikes for child-care services and universities ...
Cuts to hospitals and schools,
Are really good for one and all,
Once you understand our government's philosophy.
It's ... mutual obligation, it underpins our nation,
It'll teach responsibility to folk like you and me,
It's good for those dole bludgers,
For single mums and others
But mutual obligation is not for all it seems.
Uranium mines in Kakadu
Might not make too much sense to you,
Sacred sites it desecrates and it leads to nuclear bombs.
But on Wall Street they'll be smiling
As their fortunes keep on piling,
But hang on just a minute, isn't something, somewhere wrong?
What happened to ... mutual obligation, it underpins our nation,
It'll teach responsibility to folk like you and me,
It's good for those dole bludgers,
For single mums and others
But mutual obligation is not for ERA it seems.
The Hinchinbrook proposed resort
Is even worse than first we thought
Destroying natural mangrove swamps and fauna habitats.
But while our environment's despoiled,
There's no need for your blood to boil,
Just sit back quietly and watch Keith Williams grow fat.
It's ... mutual obligation, it underpins our nation,
It'll teach responsibility to folk like you and me,
It's good for those dole bludgers,
For single mums and others
But mutual obligation is not for Keith it seems.
That yankee Rupert Murdoch
Won't tell you how much he's got,
But you can work it out to the nearest billion or two.
And now it's an official fact,
He don't believe in paying tax,
Which kinda makes me ask myself whatever happened to ...
Mutual obligation, it underpins our nation,
It'll teach responsibility to folk like you and me,
It's good for those dole bludgers,
For single mums and others
But mutual obligation is not for Rupert M it seems.
That nice man Kerry Packer
Says you and I don't matter,
If you don't own a TV station, you can't have a point of view.
Now you could not call me vicious,
But it does make me suspicious,
Are Packer Enterprises Inc really committed to ...
Mutual obligation, it underpins our nation,
It'll teach responsibility to folk like you and me,
It's good for those dole bludgers,
For single mums and others
But mutual obligation is not for Kerry P it seems.
Geoff Francis and Peter Hicks