News broke last week of the resignation of John Prescott, chief executive officer and managing director of BHP. Between his multi-million dollar package and his large shareholdings in the company, Prescott is leaving BHP even wealthier than when he commenced there on an annual salary of $2.24 million.
Perhaps Prescott has had a change of heart and is regretting the bloodshed and environmental devastation surrounding BHP's Ok Tedi gold mine in PNG.
Perhaps he now regrets the thousands of lay-offs at BHP plants in Newcastle and Wollongong, leaving many in despair and poverty.
Perhaps he will make a substantial, ongoing donation to Green Left Weekly to relieve the immense pressure of trying to operate in today's economic conditions and help it to continue reporting on the profits before people activities of the corporate giants.
The day Prescott resigned the BHP share price shot up 8%, with the share movements resulting in a 21 point rise on the All Ordinaries Index. Perhaps he will celebrate his "good fortune" by buying a subscription to Green Left Weekly for all his mates.
But perhaps not.
Green Left Weekly still has to rely on the thousands of supporters who contribute in many ways to the paper each week, not least of all financially. Each of those generous people are an essential part of the process of getting the news and progressive analysis out to the paper's many readers every week.
You too probably didn't benefit from BHP share price rises this week. And you too can play a crucial role in challenging the system that enables companies like BHP to not only get away with but benefit from environmental and social atrocities. Please make a donation to the Green Left Weekly Fighting Fund. Green Left Weekly — it's your paper.