Hard to understand
"Many people here find it hard to understand how holy brothers can stoop to this." — Thierry Arnal, head of one of three ferry companies operating between Cannes and Ile Saint-Honorat. The island is owned by Cistercian monks, who have set up their own ferry company and refused to allow their competitors to dock.
No bread lines
"If man cannot live from bread alone, he cannot these days live from prayer alone either." — The abbot of the monks on Saint-Honorat.
A matter of perspective
"We have to be very fair, we are talking [about] night. If there is anybody sleeping somewhere in a house, you would not be able to see it from the perspective of a pilot." — NATO General Walter Jertz, trying to explain "collateral damage" to scores of civilians in the Kosova village of Korisa.
"[The Senate] threatens the way we run this democracy." — Minister for industrial relations and conspiracies Peter Reith.
Wait for it
"Many people want to go to the Holy Land at the millennium, but cannot. Our web site allows them to be virtual watchmen for the second coming." — Christine Darg, leader of a British Christian group which has set up "Messiahcam" in Jerusalem so that people can watch the return of Jesus on the internet.
There are limits
"I'm in favour of stopping international terrorism and organised crime, but not at the expense of having our industry undermined." — European MP Glyn Ford on a study which found that US electronic intelligence activities are often directed against business competitors.
"I'm wondering whether we're seeing the effects of downsizing and corporate mergers." — US rocket expert Jonathan McDowell on a series of US satellite launch failures.