Democracy film premieres in Lismore

May 26, 1999


Democracy film premieres in Lismore

By Nikki Sullings

LISMORE — A highly enthusiastic audience of more than 70 attended the premiere of Indonesia in Revolt here on May 13. The showing raised $200 for the Indonesian solidarity campaign and the accompanying dinner prepared by Resistance members raised $150 for Green Left Weekly.


Film-maker Jill Hickson gave an inspiring account of her time in Indonesia and the production of the film. Eight copies of the film were sold on the night.

Resistance activist and Southern Cross University Students Representative Council member Troy Dunn presented Hickson with a cheque for $500, donated by a recent annual general meeting of the SRC to Action in Solidarity with Indonesia and East Timor to aid the struggle for full democracy in Indonesia and East Timor.

Resistance activist Chris Latham, who recently returned from a student exposure tour of Indonesia, also spoke. A spirited discussion followed.

An organiser of the event, Kath O'Driscoll, told Green Left Weekly: “I'd want to thank everyone who came. It was a great night and there will be more Indonesia and East Timor campaign fund-raisers in Lismore.”

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