Solidarity with protesters

September 20, 2000

MELBOURNE — The S11 protesters received messages of solidarity with their actions from the following groups and individuals:

People's Democratic Party, PRD of Indonesia

Labour Party Pakistan

All Pakistan Para Medical Staff Federation

All Sind Sugar Mills Workers Federation

Itehad Labour Union Carpet Industry Pakistan

National Trade Unions Federation Pakistan

Education Foundation Pakistan

SULO, the Solidarity of Unions and Labor Organisations, Philippines

Communist Party of India (ML) Liberation

Vereinigung fuer Sozialistische Politik, Germany

Popular Youth Movement (GPK) of Indonesia

All India Anti-imperialist Forum

Scottish Socialist Party

Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU)

Liga de Unidad Socialista of Mexico

Espacio Alternativo, Spanish state

Dale McKinley South Africa

James Petras, left academic and author

Tamas Krausz, Left Alternative, Hungary

Linda Hill, Auckland, New Zealand

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