Loose cannons

May 31, 2000

The Indonesian people do?

"The West might not understand our determination to make national reconciliation a priority." — Indonesian President Abdurrahman Wahid, pledging to pardon former president Suharto if he is convicted of corruption.

Or any other issue

"Appeals to greed and fear should provide a quick victory to those who deploy them in any argument decided by the US Congress on granting permanent normal trade relations to China ..." — Commentator Jim Hoagland in the Washington Post.


"When politicians are prepared to connect with people on a level that is meaningful, they are doing something that is extraordinary." — Gary Gray, outgoing ALP national secretary.

Like getting older?

"Cosmetics can't make you alter your lifestyle. They are there to correct some of the results of the lifestyle you lead." — Patrick Bousquet-Chavanne, president of Estee Lauder International.

Market rules OK

"I know it is contradictory to the press law, but it sells well." — Chhuon Chhoen, editor of a Cambodian pornographic magazine threatened with closure.

From the horse's mouth

"[W]hat is called globalisation is really another name for the dominant role of the United States." — US former secretary of state Henry Kissinger at the Independent Newspapers Annual Lecture, Dublin, October.

Idle rich

"Why give it up? ... Frankly, I don't have anything better to do." — Australian billionaire shopping centre owner Frank Lowy responding to speculation about his retirement.

Terminal, we hope

"I am just an accumulator ... It's what we do when we're alive: we build and accumulate. It's a disease." — Gerry Harvey of Harvey Norman who's personal wealth last year was $1.8 billion.

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