Heat still on at Bondi Beach

May 24, 2000

Heat still on at Bondi Beach

SYDNEY — Protesters are maintaining their presence at the construction site of the Olympics beach volleyball stadium at Bondi Beach. Hundreds of people stopped at stalls on May 13 and 14 to sign a petition against the stadium and, on May 14, 300 people gathered to hear speakers and conduct an inspection of the site.

Sludge now fills the large hole dug in the middle of the beach. Bondi Olympic Watch reports that in the first days of construction, bulldozers struck an old sewerage pipe. The effluent was reportedly pumped out to sea.

On May 15, the Environmental Protection Authority inspected the site and declared that the water in the hole was contaminated. Members of the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union report that the 50 workers on site have been told to have injections for hepatitis A.

Dominic WY Kanak, an activist in the campaign, will speak at a public meeting organised by the Eastern Sydney branch of the Democratic Socialist Party in June. See page 31 of the activist calendar for details.

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