On the box

April 12, 2000

Actively Radical TV — Sydney community television's progressive current affairs producers tackle the hard issues from the activist's point of view. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Sunday, 9-11pm. Ph 9565 5522.

Access News — Melbourne community TV, Channel 31, has excellent coverage of industrial, environmental and community actions throughout Victoria. Access News broadcasts every Monday at 8pm. Ph 9633 6976.

Germaine Greer: The Whole Woman — It's about 30 years since feminist Germaine Greer's The Female Eunuch was published. This program presents a portrait of Greer and her ideas today. ABC-TV, Sunday, April 16, 11pm.

Straight Talk: Archbishop Desmond Tutu — Tutu was the first black Anglican Archbishop of Cape Town. His was a courageous and passionate voice for the dismantling of apartheid in South Africa. In 1999, Tutu delivered the Sydney Peace Prize Lecture. ABC-TV, Sunday, April 16, 11.50pm.

Killing Time — Set the video. The story of Sister Helen Prejean who counsels death-row prisoners in Louisiana. She wrote Dead Man Walking, which was made into a Hollywood movie featuring Sean Penn and Susan Sarandon. ABC-TV, Monday, April 17, 2.05am.

Reputations: John Wayne — The USA's most famous Hollywood tough guy patriot was a hypocrite, a dobber, a racist and a pro-war fanatic who dodged going to war when it was his turn. ABC-TV, Tuesday, April 18, 11am.

2001: A Food Odyssey — Throughout the industrialised world, time-strapped workers resort more and more to processed foods instead of cooking. But what exactly are we eating and how do the processed food companies intend to increase their profits? Find out about the UEOs — unidentified edible objects — before it's too late. SBS, Tuesday, April 18, 8.30pm.

Shellshocked — Four veterans who were permanently psychologically harmed by service in the Vietnam War return to Vietnam to share their experiences with their former adversaries. ABC-TV, Wednesday, April 19, 11.15pm.

Reputations: Simon Wiesenthal — A portrait of the famous Nazi hunter. ABC-TV, Thursday, April 20, 11am.

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