'S11 spirit' boosts DSP

March 14, 2001


MELBOURNE — Fifty members and supporters of the Democratic Socialist Party and Resistance celebrated the opening of the DSP Melbourne northeast branch's new Resistance Centre on busy High Street, Northcote, on March 2.

La Trobe University student and Resistance activist Kylie Moon said told the crowd that it was very exciting to have a Resistance Centre close to La Trobe University — 35 students joined Resistance there during orientation week.

DSP district secretary Graham Matthews described the recently formed Socialist Alliance as a fantastic opportunity for the left to break the Liberal-Labor consensus on anti-worker, anti-people policies. David Glanz from the International Socialist Organisation emphasised the Socialist Alliance's duty to counter One Nation's racist and anti-worker "solutions" to economic problems. Alison Thorne from the Freedom Socialist Party commended the Socialist Alliance for bringing together a range of dissenting voices.

"The S11 spirit of resistance to capitalism has helped build this new branch of the DSP. The S11 spirit has awakened a new generation of activists. That's why we're so excited about our new activist centre. We hope to help build the M1 [May 1] protests in the northeast," said DSP member and M1 activist Felicity Martin.

The DSP Melbourne northeast branch office and Resistance Centre is at 478 High Street, Northcote. Phone (03) 9486 5472 or (0402) 572 012 for more information, or drop in!

On February 24, the DSP launched its new branch in Melbourne's western suburbs. Fifty local activists and DSP members gathered to launch the new branch office in Footscray.

"Footscray has always had a fantastic working-class spirit and history", said Jamie Doughney. He recounted tales from the Depression and the times when Footscray was the home of radical trade unionism. Several other speakers talked about the various campaigns western suburbs DSP members are involved in, including the campaign to shut the Maribyrnong detention centre.

The new DSP branch has appealed for supporters to help provide office equipment, chairs and tables, a fridge, an urn and crockery. Please contact Anne on (03) 9689 9867 or email <melbourne@dsp.org.au> The Footscray Resistance Centre is at suite 6, 48 Leeds Street.

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