Loose cannons

November 21, 2001

Deaf man walking

"I have not heard a word of criticism from anyone about the way Kim Beazley campaigned over the last five weeks." — ALP national secretary Gary Walsh.

To inspire hope among the Liberals

"Inspiring hope is often difficult, but that is why Labor exists." — ALP "left" luminary Lindsay Tanner.


"At the last national [ALP] left meeting earlier this year, the federal parliamentary left couldn't give on what it had been up to for the previous six months." — NSW ALP assistant secretary Damien O'Connor.

Silver lining

"And with the monsoon and cyclone season near upon us, the issue [of 'boat people'] will soon get blown away." — Canberra Times columnist Simon Grose.

Seriously disturbed

"... there are disturbing similarities between the anti-globalisation/anti-capitalist forces and Osama bin Laden's terrorists. They have a shared aim, similar diffuse, global structure, similar methods and a shared vocabulary of extreme violence and holy war." — Miranda Devine, the Sydney Morning Herald's resident right-wing ranter.

Rhetorical question?

"Attention Taliban. You are condemned. Did you know that?" — US radio broadcast into Afghanistan, part of its attempts to improve its "public diplomacy" (i.e., propaganda).

From Green Left Weekly, November 21, 2001.
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