GEELONG — After travelling to Melbourne M1 protests in 2001, this year unionists and progressive activists here will be protesting closer to home on May 1.
Australian Manufacturing Workers Union Victorian secretary Craig Johnston initiated a May Day rally as a way of involving more regional workers in the day of international solidarity.
Geelong Regional Trades Hall Council (GRTHC) has endorsed a rally and march. It has called on all union affiliates and community groups to march off the job at 1.30pm, and rally at Geelong's waterfront at 2pm.
Protesters will march through Geelong to the Australian Industry Council, ALP and Liberal Party offices, which, strangely, are all in the same building. Speakers will include trade union leaders, community and international activists.
GRTHC secretary John Krantz told Green Left Weekly: "This will be the first May Day march and rally here for many years. It is time for Geelong to stand up and join the struggle for workers' rights around the world.
"We are not isolated and injustices should be opposed wherever they occur. The attack on unions in this country is part of a global campaign to increase profits for a few at the expense of ordinary people — we aren't going to sit back and watch this happen."
From Green Left Weekly, April 24, 2002.
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