Loose cannons

March 20, 2002


"It may be limiting of competition in that there's one dominant company, which is Foxtel, but it's ludicrous to say that competition will be limited." — Sydney right-wing radio broadcaster Alan Jones.

Certainly not his government

"I know they understand the proper role of government. And that is that government can't make people love one another." — George "The Crusader" Bush, March 12.

Now, which nation fits that description?

"[T]o every world leader that comes to see me, I explain our concerns about a nation which is not conforming to agreements it made in the past ... a nation which has weapons of mass destruction and apparently is not afraid to use them." — George the Crusader, March 14.

George Orwell would be proud

"We're at war to keep the peace." — George the Crusader again.

From Green Left Weekly, March 20, 2002.
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