If you don't hear from me
then don't be surprised
cause I am a criminal
in ASIO's eyes.
I'm opposed to starvation.
I'm opposed to the war.
I want liberation
and food for the poor.
I want justice and freedom
and a whole lot more
and a livable income
to even the score.
If you don't hear from me
then don't be surprised
'cause I am a criminal
in ASIO's eyes.
Health and sanitation
are part of the call,
and I want education
for one and for all.
I want free expression
for the bombing to cease
and an end to oppression
and a world that's at peace.
If you don't hear from me
then don't be surprised
cause I am a criminal
in ASIO's eyes.
From Green Left Weekly, October 16, 2002.
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