Protesters arrested at Narangba irradiation site

June 26, 2002


BRISBANE — Four people were arrested on June 18 as police and security guards moved in to allow the commencement of surveying and earthmoving works at the site of the proposed nuclear food irradiation facility at Narangba industrial estate, north of the city.

Twenty local people, including school children and members of the Narangba Progress Association, joined protesters from the anti-nuclear peace camp and other opponents of the plant.

Protesters expect police to move against the anti-nuclear camp again in the week that begins on June 24, as the contractors are due to attempt to fence in the site and begin work with heavy earthmoving machinery.

Opponents of the controversial nuclear plant are working to build the campaign both on site and in the legal, political and union areas.

According to one protest organiser, Robin Taubenfeld from Everyone for a Nuclear Free Future, "The community has shown that it does not want this development to go ahead. We would like to stop it before it starts. Protests will continue until we see, not only the end of this plant, but the demise of the nuclear industry in Australia."

For more information, phone the protest site on 0411 118 737 or Fran Jell (East Narangba Community Action Group) on 0403 573 038.

From Green Left Weekly, June 26, 2002.
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