Rockhampton protests war

February 19, 2003


ROCKHAMPTON — Around 600 central Queensland residents protested here on February 15 as part of the global weekend of action against war on Iraq. It was the largest rally held in some years in this rural town, known for its bulls and beef. Voicing dissent against government policy is often done by only a small minority here. The sizeable turn-out is a testament to people’s determination to voice their opposition to this unjust war.

Erin Cameron, organiser of the International Women’s Day protest planned for March 8, was applauded for calling the war a feminist issue.

Many people, young and old, joined in the protest. One man who was nearly bedridden with arthritis “drugged” himself up to be there, and a 10-year-old girl told the crowd the war was a “war for oil” to “make profits”, expressing her concern for Iraqi children. A Vietnam War veteren still suffering from the effects of Agent Orange read poems about his days at war and his opposition to it.

From Green Left Weekly, February 19, 2003.
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